Beautifully and clearly written personal report, Valkyrie, thank you!

I have been ill since 2016 - long before 5G. It began when I was targeted by a strange hand held device being pointed at my right kidney when I was about to give a speech at an Anti-Fracking Camp in 2013. The pain was excruciating and I spun round in time to see a plain clothed man on the inside of the Cuadrilla drilling compound pointing a device at me. He quickly moved away from my furious gaze and the pain discontinued.

I gave the speech and then mingled in with the huge crowd. An unknown woman approached me with a clip board and addressed me as Fran. She asked for my home address and I COULD NOT REMEMBER IT. That woman said not to worry and vanished into the closely packed, very large crowd.

After that I was steadily getting weaker. I began to struggle to walk up the hill to the top of the camp at Balcombe in Sussex. Not an especially steep hill, I might add. By the time I went to COP21 (2015) in Paris I was struggling to breathe when walking anywhere, even on the flat....

In 2016 I had a heart attack followed by a stroke shortly after. Suddenly, I gained 5 stone in weight and could feel fluid falling down inside my legs. My body became swollen and my skin was stretching extremely fast around my waist. I had changed nothing in my diet. From 10 stones to 15 stones in a very short space of time, I had to quickly buy some new clothes because nothing fitted at all.

You mentioned Andrews Liver Salts and I have some dregs of that in the bottom of a tub which I have used more for soaking my 'strange' feet rather than consuming. Drinking the stuff gives me shocking explosive diarrhoea so I avoided using it that way until I became unable to defecate or urinate since this recent Christmas Eve.

Now the interesting thing is - my son trawled through every pharmacy and chemist shop in our local Dorset UK area (quite a few different shops, some independent and some chain stores) to try to purchase some Andrews, but everywhere he went and asked, he was told that it is not available. One lady told him that she did not think it was being made any more!

The active ingredients do include Sodium Citrate plus Magnesium Sulphate and Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate. In desperation he purchased a product called Osteocare which are large ovoid pills containing calcium, magnesium, vit D and zinc. Nothing like Andrews but at least I am getting a magnesium boost.

I had 14 days of limited urination and no defecation from Christmas day onwards, which caused me considerable pain all across my lower back in the kidney region. I could eat absolutely nothing. I had to resort to an aging pack of co-codamol to ease the pain. I found some pure cranberry juice without sweeteners online and also found some D-Mannose (birth sap extract) to detox and kick-start my kidneys but I took 8 senna tablets without resolution of the constipation. Then I went to the doctor, because friends and subscribers were beginning to panic. I never, ever use Big P-Harma products as a rule.

The doc gave me a prescription for more painkillers and 60 Magrogol sachets, which have PEG (Polyethylene glycol) as the main ingredient. I took ONE sachet and within 30 mins my temperature shot up until I was sweating and my face was feeling swollen and red. This PEG is a bi-product of the petroleum industry and should never be ingested (in my herbalist opinion!) I was livid. I phoned to speak to the doctor and asked if he had ANYTHING natural he could prescribe instead, because I would not be poisoning myself with oil and gas industry waste matter any more!

He prescribed senna - it was all he could do and so I took 4 tablets immediately and another 4 at bedtime. I also took one teaspoon of my precious remnants of Andrews Liver Salts. Sure enough, the following morning, while I was drinking nothing but distilled water and cranberry juice, I finally painfully exploded phlegm and very loose bowel movement into the porcelain.

I continued to starve and only drink water or cranberry, this time adding apple juice too. I continued to take the D-Mannose (birch sap extract). On the 15 day after Christmas I was pain free and able to stop the co-codamol - I even ate a very small meal. Ever since, I am still encouraging both urination and defecation by artificial means. If I stop, it all grinds to a painful halt again.

Meanwhile, my lungs are producing the same white phlegm as you describe (they say I have emphysema but how do they know? I have not had any tests to confirm any diagnosis from the doctor!). I have raging pressure headaches which feel like I have a vice around my skull at the level of the temples. I have difficulty seeing, bright lights cause my eyes to expell white muck which quickly dries into crystals that scratch my skin and stick to my eyelashes.

I also experience random swelling of my feet, followed by equally random shrinkage and skin peeling from the stretching. My feet and lower legs are up, down and sometimes very hot. This has prevented me from driving at all since 2018.

At home we have eliminated wifi, preferring to hard wire all our internet devices. We have an electro-smog meter which tells us that we are bombarded with multiple frequencies, EMF and ELF in wildly irregular patterns. Our neighbours have a smart meter but we do not. Everyone around us uses smart phones all day long and we notice on our meter an atmosphere of greater peace at night when they have all retired to bed. This results in us being night owls!

I should mention the grounding/earthing plate under my bare feet. My son made it for me with simple pieces of steel wired to the earth pin of a nearby electricity outlet - it lives under my desk so that I am grounded when I am online. We haven't tried turning off the electricity because my son is doing a USA timetable to communicate with his coding chums and I rise at dawn and stay awake until midnight so there is no window of opportunity in which to experiment with disconnecting from the electricity grid.

I bought my son an EMF protection hoodie and he wears it a lot, saying that it is very warm but he can't cope with it for too long because he feels that his energy is not able to naturally escape so the heat around his vital organs builds until he rips it off - overheating!

I have ordered a hoodie for myself in the hope that it may help a bit to give me a break from the EMFs. I have not had a stable enough stomach to try taking the Sodium Citrate protocol that everyone is raving about and I am definitely not out of the woods yet because I woke up nauseous this morning.

One other remarkable thing is happening.

I get narcolepsy almost every day. I do not feel it coming on. I simply fall asleep sitting at my computer or back in my recliner while trying to watch a video. I can be out for 10 mins or longer. Yesterday I missed three quarters of a Skype conference because I went unconscious within a minute of it starting. I WAS ASLEEP FOR AN ENTIRE HOUR and only woke up because my house guest's dog panicked and jumped on me for no reason we could recognise!

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Oh Frances...((((((((((((gentle hug))))))))))))) Nothing I can say that will help any, except I do understand and sympathise.

And thanking you for mentioning the "gunky eyes" thing, which I too get (but never related to the rest of it) every day too. I bathe my eyes in salt water (never tap though) and it helps. Salt, in fact, helps a lot of things I'm finding, which might be why Gates is getting into it's production. I use the pink Himalyan stuff because I can't get sea salt here.

I hope your appetite returns soon, Frances. I can't comment on the doc situation because now, I never go for anything at all. But when I used to, I was put on cocodamol (30/500) about thirty years ago now, and given it freely since then. Nobody told me it was addictive and I was then too stupid to study the label. I've learned since. But when I was on it, constipation was a huge issue for me too, so my life on it was one of continuous laxatives. Then I began label deciphering and found the Laxido (here, it's Movigol) they give us contains not only petrochemicals but lipid hydrogel delivery systems. After that, I resorted to prunes (afore folks laugh, don't knock them..they're only dried plums but they work for many of us) and a product bought over the counter from our local herbalist called Frukt och Fibre, Fruit and Fibre which is a combination of natural laxatives. It works without giving me cramps.

Re the emf, our neighbours too have smart meters...Swedish gov's intent is for the entire population to have them but this is the gov that also made sure we're fully 5G covered, so....

And the knowledge that we aren't legally allowed to remove them despite owning our own home which should allow us to have some say in what goes in it, is infuriating. But our neighbours are at least at a little distance from us, so the turning off at the mains was noticable. I've noticed that when there's a power cut..because yes, I wondered why I never noticed it before now...that a small light on those smart meters stays on...so am calling shenanigans on all, if not most power cuts here. Sweden's famously noted too for it's smooth functioning electricity system.

I believe your neighbour's dog knew something was wrong. When I'm "extra" ill or very upset, my dog will literally come sit on me and whine and lick my face, trying in his dog way to fix me, I suppose. I suspect the neighbour's dog was doing the same to you.

My dog also barks at anyone who's injected. Dogs (and, I suspect, other animals) simply know. They just know. Probably in the same way wild animals do too.

We feed the wild deer here, just a few carrots and apples to help them through winter. There's one doe that comes around with her two young. Last year she would take the apples and carrots from my hand. Still does, the apples at least. She won't eat the carrots. My hens won't eat the carrots. My dog won't eat the (cooked) carrots and the point is, the previously would.

Now we don't eat the carrots....

They're putting their sh*t in us in every conceivable way. That we have to try to practice damage control just to survive is horrifying, tbh.

I now firmly believe that all, if not most of our health issues,, injuries and circumstances aside, are due to a combination of being systematically, generationally, poisoned. And technology and electrical frequency.

I know I sound crazy but as I said, not bothering much about that anymore. Four years ago if someone had told me we'd be locked down and told to stand six foot apart wearing useless and dangerous face masks I wouldn't have believed you.

I no longer think "crazy" applies anymore. They're doing what they're doing. It's now undeniable and more than enough evidence has been collected to back it up, which makes me look anew and askance at the supposed frontline freedom fighters.

And at least for now, we're all on our own, but at least have the companionship of folks we haven't met and probably will never physically meet but who are nonetheless rapidly becoming a family of sorts, who are stumbling their way through this battlefield same as we are. And we can support one another verbally, at least.

Be better soon Frances. x

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I ain't dead yet. Try as they might, and MAN they have tried really hard to shuffle me off to Valhalla, I have Gypsy grit and Jewish shrewdness combined with East London street fighting steel in my blood. It will take more than they have got to knock me down.

Even if they succeed in the end, I will be back to nip their heels again in the next life and they will discover that I don't intend to EVER stop fucking them UP until the end of time itself. It would be best for them to surrender now! 🔥 🔥 🔥

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Damn but I love your spirit! Interesting that you said you'd be chasing them up in the Afterlife...I remember saying that, if they do achieve immortality as they seem to be seeking, there will be SO many souls hungering for their blood they'll all be haunted the rest of eternity...

Not a bad thought. :)

Do you read Pratchett, btw? A character called Granny Weatherwax used to hang a note on herself saying "I ain't dead yet" when she was astral planing. :D

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🤣😂I am the epitome of Granny Weatherwax! 🤣😂

I astral travel a lot - always have - and it freaks out anyone who sees my flesh body while I am gone.... it freaks those who see my astral body MORE!!

One enemy spoke in confidence to my closest friend.... she said I haunted people. My mate said "Don't be daft, Fran isn't dead! She can't haunt anyone!" The enemy paled and said.... "Fran can!"

As for the Nobs trying to achieve immortality - how stupid do you have to be to chase something you have already?

We are all immortal, all without exception!

Ray Kurzweil, rattling ten ton of toxicity from his million supplement pills, was asked if God exists. He said "Not yet!" implying that HE was on the path to create God with his Singularity project.... what a fucking dick head.

They will HAVE to join us as equals and that is too huge a step for their over inflated egos. There is no 'chosen people' - there is only one soul and we each are particles of it..... like mist is ultimately capable of combining to become a part of the greatest ocean. That is God. We are there already and all living things are there with us.

The Black Nobility are atheists and nihilists. They fear death, believing that it is the end of existence. That is the root of their insanity and sense of separation from life. Their stupid ideas all stem from that one glaring mistake. The 'divine right to rule' is an illusion which is inevitably doomed to fall away as more and more of us regain our natural connectivity. Like I said - it is best if they surrender now and save themselves more suffering, fear and estrangement.

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I knew it! I love Granny...all of them. My favourite of his books is probably Hogfather though, it seems to me the most pagan and earthy, if that makes sense. You have what my Granny called "the Knack" (capital K there) meaning when she said it, folks who can travel the worlds, the spaces in between and weren't afraid of a good damn hex when it was called for.

Wee story...I just call myself an animist now but back in the early eighties, I called myself pagan, because it was easier than explaining animism to folks. My Gran was in hospital for a hip replacement and when I went to visit her, the hospital priest was haranguing her over the damnation of her soul (she was Heathen,, pagan, not conventionally religious and called herself a wyrdwife, which is common in NW Scotland) and she was clearly fed up because he wouldn't leave her be. Saw her as a challenge, I suppose.

I walked into the ward and heard her say loudly "There she is, there's my grandbairn. She's a *witch* and if you dinnae leave me be, I WILL have her hex ye!" and I blushed to the roots of my socks, because all the nurses turned to look at me and well, I was shy.

But he clearly just thought she was raving. After a short discussion in which it was clear he wasn't going to give this recuperating old woman a break, I told him "Look, she's right. I'm a witch. If you dinnae leave her alane, I will hex your arse to hell and back" and at that he left. Never bothered her again.

She was a character, my Granny. I miss her still. She taught me palmistry, dream analysis and how to scry through holed stanes.

You sound very much like her and I hope you can take that as the complement it is meant for. :)

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My gypsy gran taught me palmistry, tarot and face-reading. She taught me Spanish swearing, sewing, knitting and healing herbs - ALL before I was five years old to make sure that it was etched in good and deep.

I have never named her religion, because she didn't. All discussion of religions, politics and sex were forbidden during her matriarchy. Guess what I studied? Yeah, you guessed right.... I looked into comparative religions, geo-politics and thoroughly explored and enjoyed sex until I got sick of it!

🤣😂 Ever the rebel, aye!

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love this commentary and sharing. thank you.

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I've found myself waking up on the kitchen floor, loo and other places. People say I foam at the mouth but don't look like I do when I have seizure. I'm so sorry for you. God bless x

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I second that.

Notable cross domain renditions.

Lucid and well written. Thank you.

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Thank you so much for this...I'm so sorry you and Frances are going through so many challenges - but we are all dealing with health issues with no end in sight.

I was having diverticulitis flare-ups about two weeks into the SC...so I would knock off for a few days and felt a bit better...not sure if it was related, but I was having so many flareups that I thought I would cut the SC for awhile and see...

It's so insane to try to figure out all that we are dealing with and what the causes might be - with so many poisons and frequencies coming at us at ever more increasing rates...

Sending healing light to us all...

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And to you too, Pasheen. Interesting re the flare up. As with my liver issue, I do wonder if it's due to the amount of filth the SC might be flushing through our systems. Wish I had some training with this kind of stuff, it's like stumbling through the dark with my last solitary match!

Talking of matches..(sorry!) here we get boxes of universal matches called Solstrickan. I mourn the demise of the strike anywhere match. Can't get any here. But the Solstrickan brand normally had strikers on both sides of the box. Now they are only giving us one strike area on the boxes.

I know it sounds mad, but that just struck me (sorry, har! couldn't resist) and made me realise that in SO many small but accumulative ways, they're making life truly as difficult as possible for us.

This was brought home lately when I'd to light candles to see (still dark most of the days here yet) and the matchbox striker was damp. Couldn't get a match to strike and of course, matches no longer strike on anything as they used to..nor do they burn so bright or last as long, within two seconds they're burning my fingers.

Managed to use a lighter (arthtritis makes that normally hard) but often it's the small vanishing or diminished things that bring it home to me, what they have done and continue to do. And it can feel like a steady beating down of our souls sometimes.

Sorry. I know comparing bad matches to souls sounds weird. Makes sense in my mind but then, I'm happily nuts, lol.

I just want us, all of us who are decent people that simply want to be left alone to *live* in relative safety and peace, to be able to watch our children and grandchildren survive and thrive in a good and health world. And they've taken all that away from us. They're taking everything. Every small thing.

thus, even, decent matches.

Feel better soon, Pasheen.x

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I am vax injured RN senior . I got some SC to try do i recommend 1/4 t to start or less. I have pain but no liver or kidney issues. Thank you

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I have no medical training at all, but my own experience was that I began with taking one small pinch between forefingers and thumb, once I realised I wasn't having immediate side effects I began taking one quarter teaspoon twice a day in a glass of water or juice. The only time I had an issue was with my liver when I upped it to half a teaspoon twice a day but I do have a scrip meds damaged liver, and I'm pretty old so figured that was why. Hope this helps. :)

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If struggling with standard lighters, maybe something like this easier to use?


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Thank you! I've seen these in the local small store and never thought to try them out. They do look easier to use though. x

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Yes, these are easier to use.

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I experience the same with power off, all goes quiet. I try to spend as much time in low emf environments as possible to give the body some relief. I have the Stetzer meter and the house has very high levels of DE in addition to the other EMF.

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I have an emf meter, it surprised me where many sources of contamination are coming from. I pointed it out of my window towards the street lamps opposite and got an extremely high reading when it was on, less so when off but still high. Noticably, they changed the bulbs..the lamps are still orange but have a purple tinge to the back of them, if that makes sense. I don't think they're the same old sodium bulbs they used to be, despite the colour.

Also,, beware of other smart tech in the home. We inherted all of it here without realising when we moved here two years back. Wired directly into the house wiring, which was new to me, is a smart oven/cooker, washer and drier, dishwasher (never used it, never will) and a freezer and fridge plugged into the wall. We removed the freezer but kept the frige, for now. I was measuring extraordinarily high readings from all of them, particularly the hardwired stuff and even when it is supposedly turned off.

I'm an insomniac (is three twenty am now here) and will often go online to mail check when I'm awake. When I fire up the wifi (we tried to get wired, but the cost was in the thousands so it's out of reach for us now) I get notified of "other available networks" and all the neighbours who own smartphones show up in that side bar, along with their signal strengths which are disturbingly strong.

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It's increasingly hard to avoid. Yes I imagine they have installed LEDs almost everywhere these days. I found out about EHS well over 10 years ago and have done all I can in the home environment but am surrounded by neighbours and not too far from a tower. I am hardwired at home but still feel the effects of being on the computer and in the house. I sleep outside in a tent in the undercover area and the meter detectable frequencies are low but the ground carries current and the meters are limited but great to have. It definitely makes a difference sleeping outdoors. I've only been aware of stoves being hardwired, not so many other appliances, that's crazy. Have you made any enquiries about whether you can get the transmitters removed? I have had them removed in a car stereo and a couple of sound bars. Meters are a real wake to the level of electro smog and really an essential tool these days. Hope you can get the exposure levels down to a more hospitable level.

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I contacted both the utility company for our electrics, and the government branch which deals with the installation of smart tech in homes. Both stated we can't have the meters removed. That's why I'm looking at at least switching the mains off overnights. Left to myself I'd keep it off permanently but my husband and daughter both use the net more than me.

I'd love to sleep outside, here it's doable in summer but it's winter now and tonight the temps have hit minus thirty celsius, lol.

When I walk outdoors in summer though and take my emf meter with me, it's a relief that I can find relatively taint-free spots to sit in. Our nearest tower was planted on a school rooftop. They seem to have made deliberate choices to place them near the most vulnerable...

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wow, that's cold. Turning it off o/n sounds like a good alternative until you can replace things. I too have used the meter extensively to find lower readings for some respite, though I have older ones that don't detect 5G. I hope you find solutions to these challenges wherever possible.

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I'm not at all sure what this means, but - Sodium Citrate in a dissolved or liquid form is (according to what I've read) an excellent conductor of electricity.

Does anyone know if Karl C. or anyone else has addressed this?

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Good point! I hope he or someone else with knowledge sees that comment and investigates. My thoughts on it are,, bearing in mind I'm no kind of expert at anything, is that perhaps that quality works in our favour *if* it attracts the assembling tech to it, in order to be flushed out. Make any sense? I can't of course say yay or nay on that, but it's what I'd hope. Given the sheer amount of highly conductable graphene oxide inside us all now, not sure lack of conductive materials is an issue for the evolving tech. One thing I'm noticing is that the rate of formation appears to be speeding up. That could be our increasing saturation levels of, well, everything really, but whatever is happening seems to be speeding up. I hope someone else who has any kind of know how can address this. Great point, Pirate! :)

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I'm headed to his stack to see if there's an answer. What I'm wondering is if it attracts DE, EMF, etc., to the body? I know if something is a good conductor for electricity, the electricity has a way of "finding" the conductor and flowing through it. Like when a metal ladder is set up too close to a live electric source and the electricity then arcs to the ladder.

I'm not sure about the tech needing or using the electricity, but if Sodium Citrate is creating a conductive environment inside the body is it feasible DE, etc., would then use the conductive body?

I'm wondering since you and Francis and myself and many others seem to be getting sick right now. I'm not saying this electrical conductivity of SC is the culprit, but I know how sensitive I am to DE and EMF, etc., and how much better I feel as well when I am away from it.

Anyway, I'll go ask and see if anyone knows anything....

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Really good points, please update me if you find anything out?

I assumed the reason we're all getting sick right now was down to a mixture of spraying which is constant now, and emf saturation/ramp up. Could be wrong though and always happy to admit when I am. Will be following this line of thought with interest. :)

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I'm sure you're right that illnesses are being provoked through a variety of methods. I'm only wondering about the electrical part when I'm asking about SC.

So, I asked on Karl's latest post' comments. I'll let you know if I get an answer.

I also looked at the electrical conductivity of graphene oxide which is very poor (pure graphene is a good conductor, but not in the graphene oxide form) until it's reduced to RGO (reduced graphene oxide). SC is used as a reducing agent to turn graphene oxide into RGO which then is highly conductive of electricity much like pristine graphene.

Several months ago I read a paper on the dangers of RGO reduced from graphene oxide in our bodies.

I am going to see if I can find it again. At this point my concern is rising.

BTW, I think your suggestion to collect urine prior to starting SC should be something everyone considers mandatory. Otherwise it's very hard to say if the concentration of tech in the urine post SC is higher than prior to SC usage. I know from CDB/Morg our bodies are eliminating all they can with or without chemical intervention, so the tech would likely be present in the urine prior to SC usage.

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Ok, that is alarming re GO. I hope you can find the paper on it, I'd certainly be interested in reading it. Most of what I know about GO came from the work of Andreas Noack and LQC. I haven't seen anything from LQC for a while though, Delgado seemed to get very disheartened when he was clearly warning everyone about the dangers of GO and it appeared no one was listening.

Seems to be the case for all of this, frankly..those of us who are awake are busy doing further research into all kinds of areas we'd never have known about before this, but the ones who need to be woken up simply won't entertain any of it. You're definitely bringing up some good points that do need further investigation. Thanks for doing so.

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I'm looking for the paper but no luck so far. I thought it was in a stack, but searching on this platform is dysfunctional, so I'm going through regular broad internet searches.

The paper I read was sounding the alarm about rGO as being the true danger. That GO isn't very dangerous until it's reduced to rGO.

I have already learned some alarming things about rGO (that's the proper way to write it apparently). This may take me some time. As you said, none of us are trained to read through scientific papers.

I want to be clear I'm not poo-pooing SC. I've just seen after years of experience with CDB/Morg treatments they all have their detrimental effects. This is part of the challenge in killing the crap.

What you don't want is a treatment that causes more harm than good. Obviously.

I hope Karl C. responds and I will ask him further questions as I'm learning.

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Its not just graphene oxide... we have THERMITE particles inside our entire systems too... for decades....via chemtrails & food & water supplies. So does all life on earth above & below sea level. The military have been experimenting with it since at least the 1970's... it causes instantaneous combustion...

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At this stage, I'm wondering why we aren't just going straight to take down the military.

Ok, nobody really needs to answer that. I know. They'd kill us.

But given how long and hard they've been doing this to us, given what they plan for us still, I'm ready to die trying before I spend my last days on my knees. Just a personal observation. Old, tired, useless and hopeless right now, lol..

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How you feel is very understandable, yet it's exactly what TPTB are praying to their horned god will happen because then all the courageous Alphas could be removed and the vulnerable left unprotected.

If we truly value human life, we need to be ready to sacrifice for them, not just feed our rages or think we are Braveheart or something....

I'm writing this in the hopes people will STAY FROSTY.

How did Sitting Bull and his out-weaponized tribe conquer Custer? That led to the greatest Native American victory in history known as:

The Massacre at Little Big Horn.

By holding and holding and holding until Custer walked himself and his men into an extremely disadvantageous position due to HUBRIS. Which gave the Lakota the upper hand. We must hold and bide our time.

Pride may very well be their downfall as well.

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We don't have the time to waste, in biding our time. And I'm not Sitting Bull, nor Braveheart. Whilst we wait, more people die. Is that right that we allow it to continue? I don't think so. That is why I get angry. Believe me, it isn't unstructured or irrational rage.

It's justified. It's also directed.

But I am one old woman and alone here. And I'm mightily tired of excuses as to why we are meant to hold fire whilst they keep going.

I don't mean to sound offensive and none is meant so if any is taken, you have my apologies, But I stand by my words.

Whilst we do nothing, they keep killing.

Whilst we wait, they don't.

And whilst I'm no military strategist, the waiting game as the enemy advances to well within ones defenses has always been bad practice imo.

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I understand your rage, but to encourage others to violence when their defeat is virtually assured is no solution to your rage. IMO.

And waiting until an enemy is within your grasp which may mean holding fire is a successful strategy as proven time and again.

Unless you can strategize a logical and possibly successful countermeasure against this aggression, I doubt I'll think you're doing anything other than blowing off steam.

I am more concerned with those who do have the means to fight and their responses. If a civil war breaks out it will be a disaster for the people en mass.

I am reading and watching your same impatient call to arms all over the place and I think it's a manipulation of people's frustrations and mounting rage to incite civil war which is exactly what the enemy wants.

I'm not taking any offense at your words. I stand by mine as well and we can disagree.

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It made me really bad after 36 hours on it. Turned me into an electro conductive mess all night... body vibrations, severe pain everywhere, head in a vice like grip, migraine, tinnitus went through the roof & the v2k was off the scale... no sleep either. Had to stop it.

Bought a Blushield C1 cube & a T1 portable device which I took to a friends over the weekend to test... we both noticed a marked difference overnight & so did my dog. I’m still seeing the benefits... body swelling going down all over, even my face. More energy. Clearer thinking. Not craving shit foods constantly either. Joints not so stiff... It may be expensive but I believe it’s worth it. I got mine from a company in UK...Grounded Wellness. I will update regularly on my page to let others know if this continues to make improvements to my quality of life & the symptoms. It seems to be clearing out loads of shit from my sinuses too.

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It is so interesting how "what works for one" doesn't work for another. I have witnessed this same phenom in myself and others who have CDB/Morg for many years.

As a matter of fact, that's the one constant in all treatments. I have come to the speculation it must be because this crap works with each host's DNA/body individually.

I'm not surprised as I've come to see this is how God works with each of us as well, individually, and Satan always imitates God.

I will check out Blushield C1 cube and T1 device (I've never heard of the T1 device, but I'll likely find it. and see). I am so glad it's helping you and your dog and others as well. That's great news!

Just perused Blushield and though I can't afford the equipment you got, I have been wanting to try a hat and they have them, so I'm trying one. I have a strong intuition they are coming through the crown chakra with frequencies. We'll see how this goes...Thanks, again and God Bless.

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Hello, hellooo 🙋. It's great to hear from you. Your dreams dissapating and tendrils in your urine have been said the same way by others. I think temp could be an absolute factor. Would a rubber mat act as a grounding mat for you? Extra earthing cables on pipe work in the house could be a bonus. Avoid nylon clothing and stick to cotton that does not cause friction. 4 to 5 pillows to prop you up in bed and 2 under your knees to stop you sliding. I just wish I could help make you better. You can tape oxygen tubing to the side of your face. It will assist without forcing the rubbish down. Please keep us updated so we know your OK. Huge thanks for sodium c updates.hugs as always x

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Thanks, Lou, for the tubing taping tip, I will try that! :)

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You may want to check out these things vis-a-vis the power issue-

- emf blocking hoodies like Frances mentioned (usually copper/silver thread involved)

- grounding (ditto)

- emf meter to find out where it is (if any) in your house

- use anti-emf shielding fabric (copper based is best) around the part of your house where the surveillance & radiation meter is installed

- use grounding sheets as Frances mentioned (cheapish online)

- use a blushield to modulate artificial EMF radiation into more natural/biological frequencies. this really helped someone I know who couldn't be in a room before, but after became a fan of the room

- stamp out "dirty electricity" using a stetzeriser electrical circuit filter, to reduce it from 600 to under 50

- bring back lead paint! that must be why they phased it out in the US. or anti-emf paint.

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I do use an emf meter, it's how I knew the smart meter was putting out horrendous amounts of radiation. I purchased faraday fabric and made a mesh cage with that over it to cover the meter, and it did cut down a lot of the emf contamination but of course, you can only get it around the front and sides, and not where it connects to the wall. I have two emf hats and one emf hoodie, I normally wear them if I have to go out, but have noticed lately since they ramped up the universal emf I have to wear two hats together at once to notice even the slightest difference.

I'm coming to believe that they have so saturated the earth, not only from our environment with celltowers and other plentiful devices on the ground, but *underground* too as well as of course from the skies via copious satellites, not only the same ones Musk threw up there then sold to the military but older ones also.

Not saying it's impossible to find relief but I do know it becomes more difficult with each passing year.

I do remember the campaign against lead paint back in the sixties. I also remember the days when, if you found an old tin of it in your garden shed you had to literally report it and hand it over as "toxic waste"!

Wish I had some now. I know there are companies selling it's equivalent (not sure if they use lead or copper though) but when I looked at the prices we can't afford any. But for those who do I'd recommend it, you can also purchase window coverings that block much emf too.

But doesn't it say much, that we have to consider cowering inside our homes behind protective substances to avoid being seriously harmed in the "natural" environment we are meant, as Humans, to live in, work in, interract with?

My main suggestion is we figure out how to stop this happening.

That would require nothing less than a mass human revolution of sorts which would tear down the infrastructure that supports their doing this to us and the natural world.

And gods forbid I should ever suggest such a radical, highly illegal thing.

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Of course.....LEAD paint. That’s why they got rid of it.... think radiographers & dentists when you have X-rays...they shield with lead aprons! I believe you’re onto something there 🤓

I also noticed a correlation with the electrical supply to homes & offices back in 2020 when I was trying to work out how I was being targeted in every room.... Electricity got cut off in a storm & boom.... everything went silent! Body pressure left totally. It felt great to be out of the vice. Then the electrics got turned back on again and it came straight back.... So this is definitely being delivered through the power lines, sockets, and wiring. A Chinese invention from a couple of decades ago I believe for espionage use.

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May 27Edited

Your equipment can take better pictures than posted here.

In every picture, the focus point was set on the curtain in the background, as you can see, the curtain is sharp :)

You just have to tell the camera to focus on the tube.

If you're using a phone, simply tap the tube on screen with your finger, and the camera will focus on the tube.

If you use another type of camera, just google it or check the manual.

Camera focus is a basic feature. Every camera has it, even phone cameras.

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I don’t own a phone, it’s an old digicam (about fifteen years old now I think) and the manual is long gone, but I’ll definitely check online to see if I can find out how. I think the trouble is,, it’s main function is as a videocam, and for that it works great. But I’ve never been able to figure out how to get pics to focus.

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Blinking lights are common when my eyes are closed (both eyes). I have one blind eye (right eye) and cloudy left eye. The blinks seem to be in sync with my heart rate. My heart rate is controlled by the pattern changes of the moving “synthetic biology.” There is a slow phase and then a fast phase, much like climbing up stairs and then a fast sliding down and out. I can see this pattern on my ceiling.

I did stop charging my cell phone by me and I move it about 10 feet (3 meters) away from me when sleeping. This has helped a LOT.

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thanks for responding! Sounds like our eyesight is in much the same condition...blind in my right eye but light gets in, and cloudy in my left too. Odd you mentioned the synbio heart control thing...I just spent a fruitless night trying to sleep but unable to because of a racing heart. This was whilst in bed, not stressed particularly, not even reading or listening to anything, just ready to doze off. I have a tacchycardic arrhythmia so know my heart rhythms, so when I get outside interference it's noticable right away. Last night was one of those times. Heart suddently races wildly for no apparent reason. When my arrhythmia kicks in I usually sit up, practice as deep breathing as possible (COPD) and have calming mantras I mentally repeat and normally it will settle back down itself.

Outside interference, though, doesn't. Doesn't matter what I do, stay put, get up, nothing makes a difference, nor to it's rate.

My lights don't blink in time with it, however. Our smart meter, which I hate but am unable to legally remove (Itried) is in the basement directly under our bedroom. I don't have anywhere else to move our bed to, and no matter where in the room I put the bed, the whole place is emf saturated. I have a feeling they use smart tech in our homes, alongside other methods, to control our physical bodies and dreaming minds. Lately I found out using sodium citrate helped put an end to the induced nightmares I'd been having.

So I am wondering if the other methods have been ramped up to compensate for that. Just a thought.

I don't own a cellphone, but there is so much inherited smart tech in this home and much of it is hardwired into the mains, which I never encountered before moving here.

thanks again for sharing your experience. I also have other "sight" experiences but have never openly discussed them as they sound so outlandish. But more and more I'm discovering that there are many many people affected by being targeted that have noticeable effects with their vision.

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A really strange vision peculiarity I have is that the gel or biofilms and webs in and in front of my eyes (not sure what) record video of what I look at, especially tech. Then this is played out like a projector on my ceiling and walls. TV is just as watched ... sports are the strongest. Online shopping goes back through the searches and letters and numbers play back crazy fast.

I have not heard of this from anyone else.

Ana Maria Mihalcea said she stopped the rapid heart rate of a patient with IV chelation of metals. Sounds like the patient had this rapid rate for awhile.

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I follow Dr Ana, she's doing some amazing research, just with more of the so called frontline doctors would listen to her.

That's an awful sounding vision issue you have there. I don't get that but I do get a biofilm thing, particularly looking at my laptop screen and trying to read. Amongst other issues I get are "sticky" eyes, not due to anything I've ever had in the past such as conjunctivitis ete, but white gunk (sorry) which constantly weeps from my eyes and gums up the lids then hardens. I bathe my eyes in warm saltwater which helps clear that but it returns every time. I don't believe it's a natural infection.

I also get sudden images when I go into total darkness, such as ultraviolet or fluorescent lines, worm like structures and "travelling" dots go across my vision, in dark conditions. These are extremely bright, like afterimages but aren't. They move, too, often travelling across my sight then vanishing. No idea what they are except I believe they are synthetic.

One of the strangest things I've had is, upon opening my eyes after dozing on the sofa in front of an old movie, in my seeing eye I had, instantly on opening, an image like a camera shutter opening at the same time on the inside of my eye. Hope that makes sense.

I hate to sound like I'm crazy, but all of the above happens. Explaining it is the difficulty..how do we explain such things in a rational and understandable manner to folks who aren't even aware if they are targeted or not?

The tetanus booster took the sight in my right eye, giving me microclots, a ministroke then loss of vision. And given the sight in my left is failing too now, it makes me super aware of any visual changes or anomalies. So those I document exist, they happen, I can't explain them except I've come to believe they are synthetically created, and not natural. I've researched as much as I can on natural eye disorders and haven't come across anything like those we get.

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“Visual disturbances” are often listed as part of Morgellons.

All of the eye issues you wrote about are familiar for me. Yes, even the shutter incident, though the shutter happened during daylight with my eyes open. It seemed like the flash was for a photo of my eye for AI use. This only happened once.

I never experienced the mini stroke in an eye. How terrible! Loss has been gradual.

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This is all to do with nano tech AI collating & communicating with central cyber quantum computers for what humans experience as daily life situations 24/7.

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Blushield portable T1 device is also very capable of positively affecting the body to help counteract the effects of emf damage. I bought that as well as the C1 cube. I used my student finance to purchase them ... The T1 has a radius working range of 5 metres so anything within that area will benefit. It cost me £299 for the T1 portable device. Well worth the investment. If you add up what other things we are spending money on in efforts to counteract this shit, it is a lifetime one off investment that doesn’t need replacing! 🥰. I will be buying one for my daughter as soon as I can.

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Dear Valkrie , i read about your health and thought to share some affordable treatments to download , sound therapy from Sharry Edwards. Hoping you can find something that will help you .here at ~~> SoundHealthPortal.com and / or SoundOptions.com . This song is FREE TO DOWNLOAD AND VERY EFFICIENT FOR ME IT"S CALLED : " LE CIEL " on SoundPortal.com and it's FOR THE LUNGS BREATHING EASY ~> https://soundhealthoptions.com/product/le-ciel-8-minute-version/ .It was powerful for me it detoxed around my torso ( heart, lungs ) then detoxed my lower legs then hands and feet became wonderfully warm. I was extremely surprise how powerful it is. Now I keep listening to it everyday as maintenance and prevention. {{{ BIOACOUSTIC SHOP

BioAcoustic Shop

Software Download Instructions and Resources






Le Ciel (8 Minute Version)


For a Limited Time Only!

This song seems to influence and reverse symptoms that have a pathogenic nature. It is helpful for relieving cold, bronchial, lung and sore throat symptoms. Listening to the song once every hour works well, or once every 2-3 hours. When the song starts to be too much for you, then it is a good time to stop listening. The 8 minute version is more potent for adults, whereas the 18 minute version is better for kids. }}}...............................~There are also a lot of premade treatments for many conditions at $20,00 US dollars a month that are also just sounds or musics to download and LISTEN IN BED at home since you are sick ! :-D That's under the tab "PRODUCTS". I haven't tried those yet. ALso home made COLLOIDAL SILVER is GREAT FOR LUNGS and BRAIN FOG ! It really helps me big time for FEELING BETTER OVER ALL ! " I can post to you how to make it at home " with 3 x9volts batteries , 2 alligator clips and distilled water. It's as good as the one bought in stores ! If you could access Chlorine Dioxide it would probably help a lot to detox of whatever you need to and also Bentonite Clay is gentle easy on the stomach yet amazingly powerful.! All the best from Vancouver Island , British Columbia, Canada. I am also a targetted 60 year old woman and I see the red flashes and a rain of tiny lights on me at night. They see through our eyes and hear through our ears with the nano dust they log into us . It's hell and so lonely. Wishing you all the best dear heart . Truly hope you feel better very soon ! (^_^)

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Hi Lulu, just to say, I went through checkout for the eight minute song but it requires me to enter my billing and address details.

I no longer do that online so sadly won't be able to use this. But I do hope others can and will take advantage of this offer.

Thanks again for being kind enough to think of folks like me. x

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Okay I understand that. So here is my Proton email address , completely encrypted & secure. I can send it to you directly in your mail box. You could run a malware scan before to play it for your peace of mind & security. But only If you feel comfortable & safe in your being ~> " frequencymatterz@proton.me " Hope to hear from you ! If not , I understand :-) Hope you feel better s00n 😀

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Grateful thanks to you, Lulu, this is definitely something I'll try.

Since recognising that they were using frequency related weaponry (including optogenics, light and sound) I've been trying to research as much as I can about our natural body frequencies, that of the natural earth (which is also being tampered with) and healing frequencies. This is interesting, thank you so much! x

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Well done.

Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for you post. Just wonder your weight as I believe our size affects how much sodium citrate to take.

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Jan 17, 2024
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Thank you so much for this. :) I do use NAC orally but never thought of nebulising it! I will also search out Dr Mercola's info on nebulising HP.

I agree re getting outside when we can before the planes go over. Here, we seem to have developed a pattern (I'm in northern Sweden) in that if they're spraying to sun block or weedkill (I recorded my garden last summer. Literally overnight, those of us with food gardens in this area found we had been weedkilled by spraying when we woke to find our burgeoning vegetables dying, crispy and probably toxic) then they will send planes overhead during the day, normally around mid morning. I know where they are likely to come from as there are a few air bases nearby, including military.

But when they are spraying stuff designed to affect our health, that seems to come from overnight flights. I'm insomniac, so am often poking my head outdoors throughout nights. One advantage is that I've gotten to know the flight patterns. And I'm in a area where no commercial flights go over.

But there *are* moments to be snatched from them when we can breathe what passes for clean healthy air, still, and predawn is one of those times.

Best to you too, stay healthy! x

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Jan 17, 2024
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Thanks for sharing your experience. I really am so sorry it doesn't help you. I think as others note, it will probably be an individual thing for us all and what works for some will not for others. Hit and miss, like everything we are trying in these times.

I do believe an "antidote", if you like, exists somewhere. I believe they have it simply because we are sprayed and saturated with their technology on a constant basis, it would be impossible for them to interract with the wider world..and many of them do, they must breathe the same air, walk on the same soil, etc...without having something which either makes them immune to the technology entering and working in their bodies, or they have something that will negate the destruction caused by such tech.

I can't prove any of that but it simply makes sense. Even the most psychotic among them has a sharply defined survival instinct, largely evidenced by the fact they seek immortality, have said so, believe they will and that they'll become gods.

I believe the SC will help many but not all. That it isn't and we don't yet have, a cure for what is happening to us but that all we can do is practice damage control best we can in the hope we stay healthy enough long enough to see someone find the antidote or create one.

The alternative doesn't bear thinking about.

Thank you for your kind words. I know how awful it is to have to search online and off for help that hasn't yet been proven to end this, particularly when most if not all of us suffer to some degree because of it.

We need to keep hope alive. Not the false hope of the placebo, but any real hope of relief or cessation of harm. Targeting is such an awful experience, I do sympathise (I go through it too so know what the worse days can be like) and tbh, much of our already drained energy is too often put to use trying to resist this.

I hope you find some relief from it, somehow. Take care x ((((((((((hug))))))))))

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Jan 17, 2024
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Hang in there, Ara. I'm grateful you are here and can share. :)

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