Thank you for documenting your experience. What is the main difference in how you feel now as compared with before starting the SC?

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You're welcome. :)

I think first you need to know how I am normally. I'm old, have chronic COPD which is slowly killing me alongside a tachycardic arrythmia, osteoarthritis and a few other ailments including liver inflammation due to long term prescription meds. So, pretty much a wreck, lol!

My quality of life has been severely depleted the past three, four years, and more rapidly than the progress of both my arrythmia and COPD had been previously. This I put down to having had to take two PCR tests (which we know now were not tests of course) to receive med treatment for a broken leg.

So, I'm very much in the "nothing left to lose" camp on trying most things out. Normally I'd wait before trying things to see how others in better health positions than me get along with them, but, I have less time ahead than behind so, well, go for it I say now.

What I've found with taking SC is that my energy levels have increased. For someone like me that's no small thing.

I'm not turning cartwheels of course, and no, sadly, it hasn't turned the clock back a decade or so. I'm aware that all we try now is likely to only be a "delaying tactic" or mitigation method until someone can figure out how to reverse engineer the damage being done to everyone via this tech. And of course it needs to be ended, first and foremost.

But anything that helps improve quality of life with minimal side effects is a good thing.

I hadn't been able to do things like a day's normal (for me) housework previously. Now, I *almost* can. I say "almost" because lately I am suffering with this latest respiratory attack the world seems to be having, and on top of the COPD it's more debilitating than usual.

However...I *am* able to do more, and do things I previously had to give up. Simple things like cleaning the floors (which are all wood or vinyl here, and I have to stress I didn't let my home get dirty, my husband took over, lol) and to be able to have the energy to do that again is, for me, incredible. I put that firmly down to taking the SC because it was a clear "before" and "after" thing displayed.

At first I was cautious, because I'm aware that given how desperate folks are to get this stuff out of us, we might grasp at anything and use it as a panacea. I didn't want the effects to be psychosomatic. In fact if they were, I wouldn't still be experiencing them because quite simply my old and wrecked body couldn't keep that up! I studied the reports of Karl and others, their scope work and their own experiences too. That matters when you have someone with a microscope able to display exactly what's being eliminated by using this stuff and what condition it's in because of it.

So I waited a wee while and the energy didn't vanish to previous levels, so, all good.

That has continued with each day I take SC. I'm mindful of the cautions more than one person raises about potential side effects but am keeping an eye on that, to date, there have been none. I don't seem to get the nausea others are, which is good.

The main benefit I am receiving is that increase in energy. It's something I thought had gone for good. And I'm noticing (though, early days yet so will have to monitor this too) that by using a little more energy, not only is my overall health and wellbeing increasing but I feel fitter. Which is relative of course, given the state I'm in. But it's *there* all the same. If I can keep going with this it will be interesting to see how that plays out. It does make sense that the more I can move and rebuild a little muscle via doing housework and chores I previously had to give up, the better all round I will feel and be.

I'm about to increase, slightly, the dose at the start of next week and will keep an eye on that too.

I hope this is helpful. That's it in a nutshell for me, I believe..the increase in energy. That, and being able to sleep a little better. I'm still a hardcore insomniac but the sleep I do get is more refreshing. Interestingly, I'm having fewer nightmares, which have been prevelant the past couple of years.

I hope others are also documenting their use of SC, particularly if they have equipment. It's hard to argue with the evidence of a scope wielded in good hands. All I can offer is hearsay, I suppose, and people will have to take my word for it, which I know is a hard thing for critical thinkers to do (and that's a good thing).

But I'll keep documenting it in the hope it's useful to others regardless. :)

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Thank you for such a detailed and thoughtful response. God bless you for not only trying but being willing to report your condition and experiences.

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Thank you for your kind words! Wishing you all the best in the future.

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