Well find a survival zone and grow your own food. RR

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Great idea. Got any ideas as to where? Given weather manipulation the past few years it's clear they've no intention of letting us grow our own food. Three weeks ago we had, still, two foot of snow and ice here and sub zero temps. Now? We've been given our "hot month" which means blistering heat of over forty celsius and no rain for months. The soil out there is dust. The heat withers anything that dares show it's head above ground.

I always agreed that yes, folks should grow their own food. I still do. But folks need to quit thinking they're going to let us, and recognise that yes, they do actually have the technology to do that.

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Hi again Valerie, First off you must understand what a survival zone is. Yes They geoengineer the skies in Spain also. The major cities everyday. Thats the last place you want to live. Almuñecar on occasion. We have 10 units to replace the Dorgon with Orgon. Study the work of Wilhelm Reich. Orgon returns in the skies when they stop in 24 hours. The sea breez from the Mediterranean feeds the process. The two river valley that stretch miles inland with tropical trees feed the atmosphere with oxygen. Sea salt can be made for free. There is 10 minutes away mountain spring water all year long. This area has all the fruits and vegetables grown nearby. I have we all have our own local home production who wants to do it. We do it and they wont stop us. Same for fowl and eggs. With that no other animal products are necessary. We consume Bio oat milk. Produce can be grown all year long and some use greenhouses at and near the winter solistice. Almuñecar has 333 days of sunshine a year. It does not rain much and everythig is irrigated from Dams that bring water here. We have fresh fish caught dailey all year long and you dont have to go to the supermarket. No Panga from the Me Kong River in Vietnam here. If there is a nuclear war were far from airports military bases and manufacturing of any kind. I know all about Chemtrails I was one of the first to follow carnicominstitute.org. We are being poisened by air water and food with nano technology. See Richard substack. What can you do? Well find a survival zone and make the best of it. My fathers best advice to me never smoke and plant potatoes. My advice to humanity is never let anyone inject anything in you and defy anyone who tries to do it. Health to you. RR

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Thanks for clarifying the survival zone, it’s much appreciated and I have a better understanding now. We’re an old couple but would still love to relocate. We have our home listed to sell up and buy elsewhere (we looked at Eastern Europe) but nobody is buying,, given the economic crises in most places I can understand why. We’ll keep on trying though. I do follow the Carnicom Institute and have the greatest respect for Clifford’s work.

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Yes Almuñecar Spain on the Mediterranean sea. RR

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From what I’ve seen, Spain is as geoengineered as anywhere else.

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I suffer from osteoporosis, but when I have pain, I take boric acid for a few days (I can't swallow borax because of the taste), 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water and add lemon and even honey. When the pain passes I stop. I gave the information to my brother-in-law who had bone pain in the pelvis and they passed.

I have downloaded everything I can about boric acid, there are several studies and more. I downloaded all the documents on a Telegram channel : "Herbalism and natural cures".

Nothing Boring About Boron


Growing Evidence for Human Health Benefits of Boron


Borax Conspiracy - How the arthritis cure has been stopped







The Surprising Health Benefits and Uses of Borax - Earth Clinic


God help you!

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Borax is a wonderful thing, I have a now dwindling supply I used in my trade before I retired due to disability. I take it in water infrequently. I only use it sparingly because now they make it almost impossible to purchase, at least here in Sweden.

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But boric acid, which is the pure substance extracted from borax, can be found at any pharmacy.

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I didn’t know that, thanks Manuela (it’s been a good while since I’ve been in a pharmacy). I’ll ask next time I can get to one. :)

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Thank you.

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I have been making my bread for over 10 years, I buy organic wheat from Arad, Romania (the company of a Swiss who moved to Romania and grows organic wheat https://biofarmland.ro/).

I cook with olive oil bought from the Vatoped Orthodox Monastery in Holy Mount Athos.


And thank God, I feel good. I have to exercise because I am static, I am 58 years old and I don't really leave the house anymore after I became unemployed in 2021. But two days ago I started doing some exercises that I saw at a Russian doctor, for amelioration of disc herniation without surgery. I have kypho-scoliosis and osteoporosis, as I have already said.

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Thank you so much for these links, Manuela. And I hope your health continues to improve. I don’t go out any more either unless strictly necessary. Can’t take the shedding anymore.

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